
Tentative, subject to changes.

Time Event
9:00-9:30 am Check-in
9:30-9:45 am Introduction
9:45-10:15 am Prof. Sera Cremonini, Lehigh University
10:15-10:45 am Prof. Michelle Dolinski, Drexel University
10:45-11:00 am BREAK
11:00-11:30 am Prof. Suzanne Amador Kane, Haverford College
11:30 am-12:00 pm Prof. Amy Graves, Swarthmore College
12:00-12:15 pm Welcome to Bucknell from Admissions counselor Alee Singer
12:15-1:15 pm LUNCH
1:15-2:15 pm Undergraduate/Graduate Student Panel
2:15-2:45 pm Prof. Elizabeth McCormack, Bryn Mawr College
2:45-3:15 pm Diane Turnshek, Carnegie Mellon University
3:15-3:30 pm BREAK
3:30-4:00 pm Prof. Andrea Lommen, Franklin and Marshall College
4:00-5:00 pm Faculty Panel
5:00 pm Closing Remarks